Acknowledging the Source of Kriya, Yoga & Tantra

A message from Swami Ayyappa & Swami Premajyoti

We gratefully and humbly acknowledge that India is the great homeland of Kriya Tantra Yoga. It has given birth to, and nurtured, many world religions and has been a host for many currents of thought and mystical principles which are interwoven into the fabric of its collective consciousness worldwide. Untold spiritual paths and countless masters have felt India’s rich fullness.

Our own teachers and lineages are within the Yogic Siddha traditions of South India; Dashnami Orders of Sannyas unified by the great Adi Shankaracharya; Kriya Yoga as revived and graciously shared with the world by Mahavatar Kriya Babaji; and the rich mysticism and devotion of classical Kaula Marg Tantra.

It is an important part of our dharma at the Kriya Tantra Institute to continue to share about, acknowledge and reveal the ancient sources of the teachings in these present-day times.

We also actively support people who live in India to be able to have equitable access to our core initiation courses by offering special tuition amounts in line with each person’s access to monetary resources.

Although we can never fully do this powerhouse source of knowledge full justice, we give of our best to honor it in the here and now and in all of our future days.

Om Tat Sat.